It’s a new beginning! Ermetic is now Tenable Cloud Security.

Supplement Your AWS Security with JIT Access and CNAPP

Watch the presentation from AWS re:Inforce 2023!

Tenable Cloud Security By Tenable Cloud Security

Cloud infrastructure is an attacker’s playground. So how do you reduce your attack surface? 

With a holistic platform that automates cloud infrastructure security & empowers stakeholders to drive accurate risk prioritization & remediation across complex multicloud environments.

Find out how, as part of a holistic cloud native application protection platform (CNAPP), JIT access can provide policy definition, self-service workflows, automated access control, plus auditing and governance.

Learn how to automate the creation, enforcement and governance of developer access to AWS while gaining complete risk visibility into identity risk throughout your AWS environment.

Watch the Ermetic presentation from AWS re:Inforce 2023!

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